now chucks: chucks-chucks bo-bucks, bannana-fanna fo…
how come nobody ever talks about the “jack purcells”…? it’s always about the “chuck taylors”…
nobody ever jumps on three: it’s 1-2-3-JUMP… not 1-2-JUMP…
now chucks: chucks-chucks bo-bucks, bannana-fanna fo…
how come nobody ever talks about the “jack purcells”…? it’s always about the “chuck taylors”…
nobody ever jumps on three: it’s 1-2-3-JUMP… not 1-2-JUMP…
jp, where are your chucks!! i’m disappointed!!!
HA! How’d you prop yourself up on those two poles below your feet?
JP, awesome photography! Loved the last one with you in it…..that is some leap of faith!